Identifying Tits

Here's a little short video I made that might help you identify various Tits

Here's a summary of what features distinguish the different tits.

Great Tit - Parus major (Meantán mór)

  • The largest tit in Ireland and the UK
  • Has obvious big white cheeks
  • Green Back and Yellow underparts
  • Black stripe down the belly
  • Glossy black crown on the head
  • One of it's common calls sound like "Teacher teacher teacher"

Blue Tit - Parus caeruleus (Meantán gorm)

  • Only other tit with yellow underparts (like Great Tit)
  • Green back (like Great Tit) but blue wings
  • Black stripe through the eyes and blue crown

Coal Tit - Parus ater (Meantán dubh)

  • Buff underparts (not yellow)
  • Obvious white patch on the back of the neck
  • Grey back
  • Two-note see-sawing call like a squeaky wheel

Marsh Tit - Poecile palustris (No Irish Name)

  • UK only (unlikely in Ireland - only one sighting recorded in 1990)
  • Mainly brown bird
  • White cheeks and glossy black crown (like Great Tit)
  • Beige underparts

Long-tailed Tit - Aegithalus caudatus (Meantán earrfhada)

  • Distinctive long tail (longer than the body)
  • Usually in a excitable flock of 12 to 20 birds
  • Pink, White and dark Grey
  • Tiny stumpy beak
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